The program decides to help families in remote areas which can not access health services quickly whenever is a problem due to poor infrastructure and long distance to health centers. Our social workers visits these families in their home areas to provide help voluntarily under no pay.
Though there were lots of resistance in introducing ourselves to the elders and to some families but were latter accepted.Many Families are now happy and do support the exercise.
Below are areas covered so far and a population of approximately 1000 people has been treated and rescued from the Dangers of Jigger.
Areas Most hit by Jiggers include:-
- Makati
- Kaloleni
- Msabaha
- Chonyi
- Kakuyuni
- Sabaki
- Buragi
- Marikebuni
- Thalathameli
- Mkaomoto
The treatment consists of the extraction of the entire insect. The breaking of the jigger may cause inflammation and possible infection. The best recommended treatment for this kind of attack would be to soak the feet in a solution of alcohol for instance, - hydrogen peroxide or the other commercial disinfectants like Dettol, Savlon, etc. A victim should soak their feet for about 15 minutes every day for about two weeks and this will completely kill the bugs.
The Divine Love Jigger Eradication Organization prescription has proved to be superior to conventional medicine since it clears the pest in two days. The treatment involves use of locally available herbs and medical disinfectants for the purpose of cleaning the affected parts before treatment with the herbal medicine.
The medicine in form of a jelly is applied on the infected areas and a repeat is done after 24 hours. So far the ministry of health has approved the effectiveness of the treatment which for the last one year has been working from funding by the group at zero cost to the patients.
For complete eradication of the flea, victims homes need to be thoroughly fumigated and any animals that also have the fleas treated. To ensure the home is bug free, the victim and the rest of the family have to be educated on the need to observe hygiene and ensure that the bugs do not find a home in their homes again.
The prime preventive measures against the Jigger:
- Observing cleanliness.
- Wearing of shoes to ensure the flea does not find a way into people’s feet. In infested areas, people should check their feet daily for freshly burrowing.
- Burn the Jigger breeding areas if identified or or spray off with a suitable insecticide in an effort to kill the fleas.
- Education, Linkages and Specific roles - partnerships will be sought with; Ministry of health and other stakeholders dealing with community health. Combined efforts of the partners will develop adequate material which will be used to impart the relevant skills to the target communities